fedora swag!
fedora swag!
fedora swag!
fedora swag!
fedora swag!
unicorn swag!
unicorn swag!
unicorn swag!
unicorn swag!
unicorn swag!



// Blog » What's up in Kangland ?

Posted by: on   General

We aren’t all introvert and anti-social but Just_Reboot has been going through a busy patch, meaning our twitter and G+ handles haven’t been getting the love they are used to. So let me quickly round up a few things.

We are on WikiPedia

I had made a 1-paragraph stub on Wikipedia a few months back, but Wikipedia being edited by the awesome contributors as it is (just like AOKP is made), we now have a very informative page over there, with some tid bits of knowledge that was even new to me ;)

No milestones, less nightlies

Ok wait. Don’t start crying. Let’s clarify a few points

  • We have reduced frequencies of nightlies to a more practical timeline. It isn’t fixed but you should get 3~4 nightlies every month or more. It was not like we were rearranging the whole house every 3 days, so now the frequency of nightlies make sure there really is new stuff in each one.
  • Freezing the code for a milestone was reducing the speed of development, so we decided we will pull a Debian . So yep, the codebase is always stable, and all nightlies are daily usage material, unless an act of God (or irresponsible maintainer) breaks a build.
  • We will release a final milestone for Android 4.4.x when Google releases next Android version and we wrap up development for this version

So new, much features. Wow !

We have been adding many cool features as well, some which are

  1. NavBar width and height control
  2. Removable date in status bar
  3. Custom Battery icons
  4. Cursor shifting using Volume keys
  5. LED Control
  6. Toast and ListView animation picker
  7. Progress bar customization
  8. Added new universal ThemeEngine (developed by CyanogenMod)
  9. Support for many more media formats

Thank you translators !!!

Last time we mentioned we are looking for translators, and we got a huge response on crowdin. Thanks to all of you who contributed translations. As we keep adding features, we will continue needing your support.

Want to contribute/maintain devices ??

KhasMek and Andrew took some time out to do something very kind. They wrote up documentation on how to contribute to AOKP, and if you want to get your device added to the Kang roster, how you can do that, plus we have open sourced all our graphic resources so that when you release your ROM on forum threads, you can use them. All that, and much more can be found on our resources repo at github

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