fedora swag!
fedora swag!
fedora swag!
fedora swag!
fedora swag!
unicorn swag!
unicorn swag!
unicorn swag!
unicorn swag!
unicorn swag!



// Blog » Contribute your share of Unicorn Dust

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We love the ROM we make, and we always jump up with joy when you mention how much you love AOKP. Often we have seen users ask “How we can help out?”. Guess what ? There are many ways in which you can. So let me quickly jot down the ways as to how.

Write them codez

Okay, no points for guessing but yes, the best way you can contribute to AOKP is by coding features, fixing bugs or adding other magical things to the ROM. How you begin with is by downloading our source and start building AOKP and then when you have added anything to AOKP, it’s pretty easy to send in those changes for us to review on our gerrit

Contribute a lot of unique and original features, and you wouldn’t know before you become a member of Team Kang !!! We are always looking forward to adding original, unique and kickass features into AOKP.

Squash them bugz !!!

Not everybody is into hacking Android to it’s core. But bugs, everybody faces them. Next time you face a bug, (and please confirm by reproducing it or searching on forums of your device) do report it to us

Logcats are essential when reporting bugs. The more information you provide, the easier and quicker it is for us to fix :)

Give us your tongue !

Okay, not literally. But if you are a non-native english speaker, then you can contribute in another amazing way – Translations. We love to make the project reach across a wide spectrum of users, and a lot of them prefer to use their phones in their languages instead of English

You can submit translations on crowdin project page .

Give us the moneyzzz !!!

Yeah it was going to get down to this only wasn’t it ? :D
Well, running a code review server , a build server to churn out nightlies, bug trackers and host this website and a lot of things require $$$
If you like the work we do you are always welcome to donate to us
Pssst.. donators’ priviledges include free passes to the weekly parties at the AOKP yacht ;)

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Visit AOKP.co on your device!